This Cyber 5 Give Your eCommerce Brand the Gifts of Higher Conversion Rates, Reduced Bounce Rates, and More Page Views

The value of 1 second 

As Cyber 5 approaches, eCommerce brands are preparing to help shoppers find the perfect gifts for family and friends. But this holiday shopping season, brands should give themselves something first: the advantage of 1 second. 

Online retailers have long suspected a relationship between site speed and conversion rate. But without data to prove it, site speed has often taken a backseat in importance to some of the flashier technology available to gussy up eCommerce sites. However, the new Site Speed Standard benchmark data, collected from more than 25 billion page views tracked across 5 billion shopper sessions, proves that decreasing page load time by just 1 second throughout a shopper’s journey gives some nice gifts to online retailers: 

Higher conversion rates 

A decrease of 1 second in page load time on mobile devices across a shopper’s journey lifts conversion rate by 5.7%. On desktop devices, brands see a 3.3% lift. 

Lower bounce rates 

The faster a page loads, the less likely a shopper will bounce. 1 second of page load improvement helps reduce bounce rate by 12% on both mobile and desktop.  

More page views 

Shoppers view more pages per journey on faster sites. A performance increase of just 1 second delivers about a half page more per session. Viewing an extra page is important because two-thirds of page views are on category pages or product description pages, meaning that a brand has the opportunity to show more of their product line to shoppers. 

Graph showing conversion and bounce ratess

The video below offers more information about the benefits of faster site speed.

Get ready for Cyber 5   

Don’t lose a second! YOTTAA offers a variety of acceleration products to improve site performance and increase your bottom line!

Click HERE to get an evaluation of how your site is currently performing. 




Higher Conversion rates Inside 1

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