With Businesses Closing Left and Right, Online Retailers Have a Fighting Chance

As a result of the coronavirus outbreak, the world has changed. Stores are closed. People are locked down in their houses. Retailers are struggling to figure out how to move forward. Where can brands find revenue opportunities in these challenging times? Online.

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A recent survey conducted by Retail Systems Research found that 94% of shoppers feel online shopping will be critical for them to live their daily lives during the current crisis.

By focusing on digital, brands can still maintain a relationship with shoppers, continue to sell inventory that was left over in brick & mortar stores, and move forward with business. But there will still be some challenges:

What else are retailers seeing during coronavirus?

They won’t go in

90% of shoppers are hesitant to shop in-store due to coronavirus with the majority stating they will only do so if “absolutely necessary.”

Online traffic is growing

With stores being closed, online traffic is beginning to skyrocket. Many Yottaa customers have experienced over 100% site traffic growth.

What shoppers are most concerned about

The top three things shoppers feel will make shopping online more difficult during the crisis:

  • Unavailable inventory
  • No free shipping option
  • Slow websites

Focus on preparing these areas immediately, so your shoppers can experience a smooth and confident purchase.

Where to go from here

Brands are getting more creative than ever before with marketing, promotions, and new ways to relate with customers during these hard times. But if shoppers get to your site and have an awful experience, then that relationship could be over. They need you the most now, so make sure you take care of them by optimizing your site for performance.

We are grateful for the opportunity to be able to help retailers navigate through these challenging times by taking one less worry off of their plate — site performance. 

Through RAPID CTRL, Yottaa’s eCommerce acceleration tool, online brands can speed improve site speed by up to 60% and optimize their digital environments during the coronavirus outbreak, resulting in better shopper engagements and increased conversions.

Trusted on 1,500 sites across all eCommerce platforms, RAPID CTRL enables brands to:

–  Improve page load speeds up to 60%

–  Maximize online revenue during the COVID-19 crisis & beyond

–  Get up and running in a matter of hours through two lines of javascript

We’re here to help

Here at Yottaa, we know that retailers are resilient. We see it everyday. This is why we want to assist in the fight to help retailers push through this pandemic and come out on the other side. The opportunity for brands is online, and RAPID CTRL can help you maximize online conversions during the coming months and beyond.

Get your free Site Performance Snapshot Report today!


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