Turn up the heat on your holiday sales—download the 2024 Ultimate eCommerce Holiday Checklist to help you maximize conversions!

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What Insights Will You See?

Yottaa Insights provides realtime views of your eCommerce site and valuable diagnostics data to help you monitor your site performance. Best of all, it’s free!

How Fast Is Your Site?

Get immediate insight into site speed on both desktop and mobile.

What's Slowing Your Site?

Find out how many 3rd party tools are on your site — and which ones are impacting site speed.

Are You Losing Customers?

See how your speed is impacting conversion rate and bounce rate.

How Does Your Site Compare?

See how your site benchmarks against other industry leaders.

How Are Your KPIs?

Keep an eye on Google Core Web Vitals and other critical KPIs.

How Can You Improve?

Leverage diagnostics to create a website performance improvement plan.

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How Does Yottaa Insights Work?

Yottaa Insights is installed with one single line of JavaScript code. Setup is simple and takes just minutes — and you get full access to our SaaS Insights platform.

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The Yottaa Insights dashboard provides a realtime view into your key website metrics.

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Get Ready for the Holiday Rush with Yottaa!

Don’t let slow load times and poor performance hold your site back this holiday season. With Yottaa, you can ensure your site is fast, reliable, and ready to handle the rush.